The Blue Angel is a European label promoted by the German federal government since 1978 for the protection of people and the environment. It is an independent certification that sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services.
The Blue Angel certifies products or services that meet high environmental, health and performance requirements. Products are always evaluated from a life cycle perspective.

The criteria to be met are specific and broken down by product group. The complete list of criteria is published at:

The Blue Angel eco-label is held by the German Ministry of the Environment and is verified by RAL gGmbH. It is awarded on the basis of criteria developed by the Federal Environmental Agency and the Independent Environmental Label Jury. The criteria are reviewed every three to four years to ensure that organisations move towards continuous improvement and stay ahead of the game.

Blue Angel certification gives the opportunity to use an internationally recognised logo.

Vireo supports Italian companies that intend to certify their products according to the Blue Angel criteria through the following services:

Certification for printing and paper products

The criteria for printing/paper products are as follows:

  • DE-UZ 14a: Recycled Paper
  • DE-UZ 56: Recycled Cardboard
  • DE-UZ 72: Printing and Publication Papers

In order to be able to label a printed product with the Blue Angel ecolabel, it is necessary to use Blue Angel Certified paper raw material and to avoid certain types of components, which on the list of criteria. The company must then carry out the engede 11 and engede 12 tests on a sample of the product it wants to market as certified.

Vireo offers a service that is organized into two stages:

  1. The first stage involves a preliminary analysis of the feasibility of certification through the evaluation of the type of product that the company intends to certify. Based on the type of product and the raw materials used, Vireo is able to identify any problematic elements which would prevent a company from submitting a valid application for certification to RAL gGmbH.
  2. The second stage, which starts if the first is successful, involves the preparation, together with the company, of the documentation necessary to submit the certification application to RAL gGmbH. This stage also includes the management of laboratory analyses at approved scientific analysis centres.

Certification for the paper and cardboard production sector

Vireo carries out the third-party audits required by the Blue Angelstandards for paper and cardboard production. The latest revision of the criteria for this, which came into effect in 2014, introduced the annual verification by a third party of the data declared relating to the pulp or virgin fibre used in products.

The criteria and sectors for which Vireo can carry out audits are:

  • DE-UZ 5 – Sanitary Paper Products made of Recycled Paper
  • DE-UZ 14a – Recycled Paper
  • DE-UZ 56 – Recycled Cardboard
  • DE-UZ 72 – Printing and Publication Papers

In the case of the production of recycled paper (DE-UZ 5, DE-UZ 14a, DE-UZ 56) an annual verification of the types and quantities of pulp used by a qualified auditor is required.
In the case of the production of partly recycled printing paper (DE-UZ 72) an annual verification of the data declared relating to the component coming from recycled material is required and an initial verification of the data relating to the virgin fiber component, which must come from sustainably managed forests, must also be carried out.

Vireo auditors are qualified to carry out these checks.


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